Events FOR Families
We want to see every family in our community empowered and equipped to reach their full potential.
Let’s do this journey of family together.
Come and be part of a family bigger than your own as together we get inspired to do life well, together.
Take some time out, with a variety of hands-0n activities to do together, plus a delicious fully catered dinner.
An afternoon might look something like this:
4:30 - 5:45pm - Grab some afternoon tea, mingle and choose some activities to try out around the afternoon’s theme.
5:45 - 5:50pm - If you like, join us for a five minute chat around an aspect of healthy families.
5:50 - 7pm - Let us serve you for once, with a delicious, full catered dinner and dessert! If you’re a working parent, join us for dinner.
All our For Families events are free, but if you’d like bring along a can for the Glen Innes Food Bank so our family can help other families in our community.